Accessories - Custom Sardine Box - 11,70 € - ZZ_SARDPRINT - - Luxembourg - Zigzag-concept
    • Accessories - Custom Sardine Box - 11,70 € - ZZ_SARDPRINT - - Luxembourg - Zigzag-concept
    • Accessories - Custom Sardine Box - 11,70 € - ZZ_SARDPRINT - - Luxembourg - Zigzag-concept
    • Accessories - Custom Sardine Box - 11,70 € - ZZ_SARDPRINT - - Luxembourg - Zigzag-concept
    • Accessories - Custom Sardine Box - 11,70 € - ZZ_SARDPRINT - - Luxembourg - Zigzag-concept
    • Accessories - Custom Sardine Box - 11,70 € - ZZ_SARDPRINT - - Luxembourg - Zigzag-concept
    • Accessories - Custom Sardine Box - 11,70 € - ZZ_SARDPRINT - - Luxembourg - Zigzag-concept

    Custom Sardine Box


    Create your own  vintage sardine tin, fully personalized with whatever you want (logo / text).

    Send a personalized gift to your clients, colleagues, or business partners to celebrate an event, or just keep a souvenir of the year.

    It's time to take a trip down memory lane! Bring back the nostalgia of your childhood with the personalized vintage sardine tin from Zigzag-concept.

    Only produced in Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie , these tins of sardines are made in a family cannery.

    Minimum quantity: 65 pieces  

    File to provide:
    Format: JPEG
    Dimensions: 53 x 68 mm (printing in height)
    Quality: 300 DPI.
    Or costs for creating a compliant file: €65 excluding VAT (invoiced separately)

    ZIGZAG LOVES   French cannery.

    Product customisation

    Don't forget to save your customization to be able to add to cart
    • No selected file .png .jpg .gif

    Volume discounts

    QuantityPriceYou Save
    35€10.53Up to €40.95
    45€10.00Up to €76.34
    55€9.36Up to €128.70
    65€7.49Up to €273.78
    100€7.02Up to €468.00
    200€6.32Up to €1,076.40
    300€5.85Up to €1,755.00
    VAT included

    The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 25.


    Sardines fresh, extra virgin olive oil, salt.
    Weight: 115 gr
    Custom box with your logo in quadri print

    Delays: ± 4-5 weeks

    quantity: 65 pces

    The My Millesime box supports four to six gourmet sardines, selected for their freshness. They are prepared in the old, by hand.
    They can be stored for up to ten years.
    To improve them, return the box every six months to cover the sardines entirely of oil

    Product Details

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    Custom Sardine Box

    Custom Sardine Box

    Create your own  vintage sardine tin, fully personalized with whatever you want (logo / text).

    Send a personalized gift to your clients, colleagues, or business partners to celebrate an event, or just keep a souvenir of the year.

    It's time to take a trip down memory lane! Bring back the nostalgia of your childhood with the personalized vintage sardine tin from Zigzag-concept.

    Only produced in Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie , these tins of sardines are made in a family cannery.

    Minimum quantity: 65 pieces  

    File to provide:
    Format: JPEG
    Dimensions: 53 x 68 mm (printing in height)
    Quality: 300 DPI.
    Or costs for creating a compliant file: €65 excluding VAT (invoiced separately)

    ZIGZAG LOVES   French cannery.

    Write your review
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